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Budget-blown Walyalup A Civic ‘success’: City Of Fremantle

Budget-blown Walyalup a civic ‘success’: City of Fremantle

PARKING law changes, a new computer security policy and cats on a leash will be considered at the ordinary council meeting on Wednesday.
So too the City of Fremantle financials, outstanding debtors figures (no mention of Perth Glory) and a Kings Square business plan report on the true and ‘continuing’ costs of the new Walyalup Civic Centre.
“The project delivered outcomes in both the public and private space which contributed to improving the level of confidence for further private investment in Fremantle,” officer’s state in the agenda at “In this regard it can be considered to have achieved the primary objectives originally considered by council and can be considered as a success.”
As first reported by StreetWise on August 14 (, total project costs as at June 2022 was $61.2m. This figure is expected to climb to $64.9m, with $2.5m allocated in the 2023 budget to ‘continue’ the completion of the building and $1.2 million in interest repayments on the City’s 20-year $20m Treasury loan.
Yet, the City considers the structure and process put in place for the construction phase of the civic centre to have been, “a great success and provided all necessary safeguards to protect the City from significant risks. The process put in place is being replicated and considered in other local government projects today”.
The $20.2m blow out in the $44.7m Walyalup Koort civic space also includes a $2.4m blow out in architectural fees, from $4.2m to $6.9m because of, “time extensions due to the delayed commencement of the project and building delays”, after the Pindan collapse. The City also appointed a second architect to design the interior finishings for the building for $281k.
The Auditor found the architectural services contract failed to provide sufficient oversight required to monitor costs to ensure value for money. The business plan initially estimated fees at $1.8m.
StreetWise sources have said failure to properly follow Australian accounting standards disclosure for capital works in progress in the City’s 2020 financial statements and lengthy delay in posting the 2021 financial statements allowed $5m in architectural services costs to go unscrutinised.
The Wednesday agenda also states the total value of outstanding debts has reduced from $1,17k to $1,11k: “Outstanding debt over 90 days has increased from $476k at the end of the previous reporting date to $621k. This increase largely relates to two additional debtors crossing the 90-day threshold.”
It added: “The number of overdue debtors over 90 days, and above the total debt reporting threshold of $10,000, has increased from seven (7) to nine (9) – with an additional two debtors meeting the reporting criteria this period. These 9 debtors have a total debt owing of $634k, of which $587k is over 90 days. The confidential attachment contains details of debtors comprising this balance.”
StreetWise understands one of those debtors, Perth Glory, owes the City six months in rent plus GST at

Submissions – Cats & Caravans

CAT owners may have to tether and/or confine their pets in a secure carrier when visiting City property under a proposal before council on Wednesday. Submissions include:
*   “Cats should be allowed in public areas in the same manner as dogs are allowed.” – South Fremantle
*   “I agree with restricting cats and not allowing them to wander outside their own property.” – Fremantle
*   “Drop these stupid rules of overreach immediately! This over the top approach has clearly created issues which should have been obvious to anyone who thought about it longer than five minutes. Feral cats may be a plague in wild lands but Freo cats are not responsible for extinction events. Treating them as if they’re all the same is ignorant, extreme wokeism.” – North Fremantle.

Council also will decide on changes to the City’s parking rules, which have received some scrutiny recently ( Submissions include:
*   “I note there is no increase proposed to the penalty for stopping in a bicycle lane. Obstructing a bicycle lane can cause a serious hazard as it forces cyclists to move into the path of motor vehicles to get past. I think the penalty should be increased to reflect the severity of this offence.” – Anonymous
*   “All parking in Freo should be free. As a resident I rarely come into Freo central as I can’t find a parking spot, especially as a disabled pensioner with an acrod sticker. I know of 3 bays available on the street, only one of which is free. This is ridiculous.” – Anonymous
*   “I would implore council officers to seriously look at this omission in light of the explosion of recreational vehicles in our suburbs, such as caravans & even motor homes, and take appropriate steps to fully future proof this policy – before it is too late.” – Anonymous.

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