Love me tender, not
BURY the Fremantle Markets business plan and take the ‘People’s Palace’ to public tender.
In a ‘time to wake up’ plea to restore the Fremantle Markets building, Fremantle Society president John Dowson said Fremantle Markets Pty Ltd has had the City over a barrel for nearly 20 years and urged people to make a submission before July 14 on the, “dismally written biased document that recommends the Murdochs be given another 20 years, despite the markets being rundown because of a lack of investment”.
Mr Dowson said the Kings Square business plan sent the City virtually broke and, “will lead to the scrapping of the CAT bus and an unreasonable 9% rate increase”.
Similarly, the Fremantle Markets business plan is no guarantee the City will get the millions of dollars needed to restore the poorly maintained heritage building.
He said the City would get a better return for its prized asset to maintain other essential services, such as the CAT bus, and heritage building including the Town Hall and Arts Centre.
Mr Dowson said when FMPL approached the City seeking an extension of the lease in 2005, “judging by the comments received, the public believed the Murdochs were promising extensive capital works at the Murdochs’ expense in return for a long lease. In the end, the Murdochs got the long lease, but they didn’t pay for the improvements, especially air conditioning, that people thought was coming”.
The proposed rent in 2005 was $380,000 and one submitter proposed an offer of $500,000 if allowed to tender for the lease. This led to the officer reporting to council (Council Minutes, November 23, 2005, page 53):
“It should be considered that this submission is to be taken seriously and should be considered just as seriously as the submission by the current lessee which led (sic) to the development of the proposed plan … it would seem appropriate for Council to resolve not to proceed with the proposed Business Plan and consider future options available which may include establishing criteria for going to tender.”
Mr Dowson said, just like 2005, a separate offer was made to the City in 2022, but councillors were not told by officers when the Markets lease was presented to FPOL this year: “That offer by GTL is currently $100,000 a year more than the current proposed rent and $3.5 million more in capital works than the current ‘up to $3 million’. That is, a firm $6.5 million.”
He said in 2005 councillors were told the Markets building needed about $10 million in restoration and maintenance works, that figure today would be considerably higher, with few of the issues having been tackled.”
He added 2005 submissions to FMPL’s lease proposal show the high level of public expectations of significant works to the markets site.
“This time, council must negotiate a much better deal for the markets and the ratepayers – bury the poorly written business plan and put the markets out to public tender,” he said.
Comments included:
– “It is pleasing to see that the City is supporting the improvements outlined in the Plan and has secured the funding from the proposed lessee.”
– “Fantastic that they are to get much needed facelift while retaining current heritage status.”
– “Supports any proposal to upgrade and cool the markets.”
– “Support proposal for capital works program to upgrade building.”
– “The proposed capital works in the Plan are essential for the markets to remain a tourist attraction … the building does get extremely hot in summer and needs to be cooled urgently.”
– “I believe the improvements will further enhance the experience.”
– “The building desperately needs upgrading to the standard basics expected in today’s modern world. It requires air conditioning desperately.”
– “Any monies expended to improve the facilities will definitely benefit tourism and enhance the markets.”
– “Fremantle Council has not asked for public comment on the more important issue – should the lease be put to public tender … draft business plan is devoid of detail and vision.”
– “The Chamber (of Commerce) is keen for the work to upgrade the markets that is suggested in the short rather than long term.”
Fremantle Markets Business Plan at and public submissions and comments at More stories at