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Business Concerns Over Political ‘Freo Traders’

Business concerns over political ‘Freo Traders’

THE Fremantle Chamber of Commerce says a ‘Freo Traders’ group that promises to save the business community has raised concerns among members over its political motives.
Organised by Melville resident Mia Kriznic and Cottesloe resident Mike Finn, the group’s proposed objectives were sent yesterday to 84 email addresses inviting businesses to talk shop at Cicerello’s on Tuesday, including several sponsors and supporters of Freo StreetWise. Some went to generic addresses such as reservations at The Esplanade.
“What’s reassuring is you’re actually the fourth person that has called me today,” Chamber CEO Danicia Quinlan told StreetWise today.
“A number of our members and non-members who are on that list are expressing considerable concern at the misrepresentation, that they are part of that group when their email has just been popped onto the list. Some of those names (addresses) continue to circulated.”
She said there always will be “vocal individuals” who pop up in Fremantle from time to time: “But at the moment there is an understanding this group is misrepresenting the amount of support it has.”
The Chamber consists of what Ms Quinlan describes as, “an incredible diversity”, of businesses from small retailers to big companies. It has 300 members representing about 5000 people who work in the port city.
“If we were not doing our job properly and there is a gap in the market then it will come to the fore and the Chamber will take it on board,” Ms Quinlan said. “We’re not going anywhere, we’ve been here since 1873.”
The objectives of the proposed traders group, which do not mention the Chamber, read like the Chamber’s own mission statement, promising to “galvanise” the business community into a collective body lobbying to improve conditions in the CBD and surrounding areas of Fremantle.
It pledges to help business owners through COVID-19, assistance already provided by local, state and federal support services. The Chamber’s COVID assistance at is impressive.
Ms Kriznic is a member of the Fremantle Society Committee who is tipped to run in the local government elections in October ( Kakulas Sister owner Mr Finn withdrew from the City Ward election race in 2017 after pressure from “keyboard warriors”.
Ms Quinlan said Ms Kriznic and Mr Finn had important things to say, “but our job is to find a balance in all of that and try and represent all those perspectives and the Chamber’s position”.
“We can’t be distracted by a couple of loud voices, we just cant be,” she warned. “There is too much going on at the moment. This is a very crucial time for Freo to get it right.”

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